Category: Uncategorized


Shadowlands System Review: Anima

Anima: the lifeblood (hahaha) of the Shadowlands. It is the fuel for nearly every activity conducted by both native inhabitants and Azerothian Maw Walkers. There is currently a major anima drought in the Shadowlands,...


Horrific Visions: Worth It?

What Are They? They’re a glimpse of a future in which N’Zoth has won and has fully corrupted your favorite faction capital cities (and presumably the rest of Azeroth). Everything is dark and purple,...


Initial thoughts on patch 8.3

MANY SPOILERS AHEAD! Intro Questline There’s a LOT going on here, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I was definitely a bit underwhelmed by the Nazjatar intro questline in 8.2, which seemed to boil...


Why I’m Not Going To Play Classic

NOTE: These are MY opinions, and mine alone. I am well aware that my reasons for NOT liking Classic are the same reasons that many love it, and vice versa. Classic is/was a product...


Confessions of a Clicker

“fucking keybind.” “lool stop clicker.” “Guy clicks his spells nice.” These are just a few of the “anti-clicker” comments I’ve received on my recent raid boss soloing videos. In fact, these sentiments actually represent...


Thoughts on Battle for Azeroth

Introduction I am but a humble Protection Warrior, a button-clicker, and a filthy casual with no aspirations of legendary parses or +17 speed runs. I raid Normal difficulty four hours a week (at most),...