Blackrock Foundry

Lava-Dipped Greathelm (Mythic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Blackhand's Faceguard
Lava-Dipped Greathelm (Heroic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Blackhand's Faceguard
Lava-Dipped Greathelm (Normal)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Blackhand's Faceguard
Heart of the Clefthoof (Mythic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Heart of the Clefthoof (Heroic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Heart of the Clefthoof (Normal)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Unstable Slag Shoulderplates (Mythic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Blackhand's Shoulderguards
Unstable Slag Shoulderplates (Heroic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Blackhand's Shoulderguards
Unstable Slag Shoulderplates (Normal)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Blackhand's Shoulderguards
Ka'graz's Burning Blade (Mythic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Ka'graz's Burning Blade (Heroic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Ka'graz's Burning Blade (Normal)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Taner's Terrible Spine (Mythic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Taner's Terrible Spine (Heroic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Taner's Terrible Spine (Normal)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Kromog's Protecting Palm (Mythic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Kromog's Protecting Palm (Heroic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Kromog's Protecting Palm (Normal)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Fang of the Earth (Mythic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry
Fang of the Earth (Heroic)
Source: Blackrock Foundry