World Drop

Bronzed Sword
Source: World Drop
Sunsoul Sword, Cloudfall Sword
Darkened Broadsword
Source: World Drop
Telaari Longblade
Source: World Drop
Bronzed Greatsword
Source: World Drop
Sunsoul Greatsword, Marista Blade, Mountainscaler Greatsword
Barbarian Greatsword
Source: World Drop
Oathsworn Greatsword, Red Crane Sword, Wasteland Greatsword
Blade of the Poisoned Mind
Source: World Drop
Amber Saber of Klaxxi'vess
Massive Rockworm Fang
Source: World Drop
Baleful Greatsword
Source: World Drop
Shard of Scorn
Source: World Drop
Bloodmane Sword, Void-Warped Oshu'gun Shortsword
Lunarglow Sword
Source: World Drop
Restalaan's Longsword
Auchenai Sword
Source: World Drop
Deathguard's Greatsword
Source: World Drop
Sinister Gladiator's Greatsword (Horde)
Source: World Drop
Sinister Aspirant's Greatsword (Horde)
Source: World Drop
Fel Hacker
Source: World Drop
Axe of the Deadly Price
Source: World Drop
Darkheart Hacker