World Drop

Sorrow's End
Source: World Drop
Armagedillo's Tail
Source: World Drop
Marrow Shatter
Conk Hammer
Source: World Drop
Thrallmar War Hammer
Dogmatic Scepter
Source: World Drop
Dutybound Mace of Purity, Enshrined Mace
Dignified Hammer
Source: World Drop
Medic's Morning Star, Pacifying Pummeler
Source: World Drop
Hammer of the Northern Wind
Source: World Drop
Goblin Nutcracker
Source: World Drop
Ceremonial Hammer
Source: World Drop
Ironspine's Fist, Hardened Steel Warhammer, Jagged Star
Skeletal Club
Source: World Drop
Ancient Bone Mace
Fleshrender's Painbringer
Source: World Drop
Discipline Rod, Skullcrusher Mace
Honorbound Decapitator
Source: World Drop
Honorbound Skullcleaver
Source: World Drop
Dread Aspirant's Cleaver (Horde)
Source: World Drop
Dread Combatant's Cleaver
Dread Aspirant's Cleaver (Alliance)
Source: World Drop
7th Legionnaire's Skullcleaver
Source: World Drop
Sentinel's Tomahawk
Source: World Drop
Sinister Aspirant's Runeaxe (Alliance)
Source: World Drop