
Inuuro's Blade
Source: Vendor
Battle Tested Blade
Gift of the Ethereal
Source: Vendor
Baron's Broadsword
Wasteland Saber
Source: Vendor
Faded Forest Saber
Source: Vendor
Enamelled Broadsword
Source: Vendor
Zealous Sword
Source: Vendor
Iron-Grip Shortsword, Valiant Sword
Honor's Call
Source: Vendor
Brutal Gladiator's Slicer
Source: Vendor
Brutal Gladiator's Quickblade
Executioner's Sword
Source: Vendor
Runeblade of Demonstrable Power
Source: Vendor
Notorious Aspirant's Greatsword (Alliance)
Source: Vendor
Forgotten Champion's Blade
Source: Vendor
The Sunbreaker
Source: Vendor
Recruit's Shortsword
Greatsword of the Sin'dorei
Source: Vendor
Ethereum Phase Blade
Source: Vendor
Wushoolay's Poker
Continuum Blade
Source: Vendor
Blade of the Archmage
Source: Vendor
Elemental Attuned Blade, Pilfered Ethereal Blade
Zealous Greatsword
Source: Vendor
Sawtooth Greatsword, Chilled Warblade, Valiant Greatsword
Gnomeregan Bonechopper
Source: Vendor