Warmage's Spellblade (Horde)
Source: Quest
Deathguard's Gladius, Mageblade of the Horde Vanguard, Quickblade of the Horde Vanguard, Wrathguard Shortblade
Source: Quest
Deathguard's Gladius, Mageblade of the Horde Vanguard, Quickblade of the Horde Vanguard, Wrathguard Shortblade
Warmage's Spellblade (Alliance)
Source: Quest
Stormwind Vanguard Quickblade, Footman's Gladius, Stormwind Vanguard Mageblade
Source: Quest
Stormwind Vanguard Quickblade, Footman's Gladius, Stormwind Vanguard Mageblade
Well-Used Greatsword
Source: Quest
Enti's Quenched Sword, Worn Greatsword, Battleworn Claymore, Two-Handed Sword
Source: Quest
Enti's Quenched Sword, Worn Greatsword, Battleworn Claymore, Two-Handed Sword
Scorching Greatsword
Source: Quest
Nethergarde Greatsword, Captain Verne's Splitter, Glovaal's Choppink Svord, Poisonfire Greatsword
Source: Quest
Nethergarde Greatsword, Captain Verne's Splitter, Glovaal's Choppink Svord, Poisonfire Greatsword