
Shredder Piston
Source: Quest
Hammer of Expertise
Ogre Mage Club
Source: Quest
Anvilmar Hammer
Durdin's Hammer
Source: Quest
Dathrohan's Mace
Source: Quest
The Hammer
Source: Quest
Mok'Morokk's Headcracker
Source: Quest
Heirloom Hammer
Adversarial Blackjack
Source: Quest
Gardener's Axe
Source: Quest
Replica Blood Guard's Cleaver
Source: Quest
'Liberated' Greataxe
Source: Quest
Gan'zulah's Headchopper
Source: Quest
Barnacle-Coated Greataxe
Source: Quest
Nethergarde Broadaxe, Stone Hearth Splitter
Axe of Earthly Sundering
Source: Quest
Irontree Broadaxe, Steelspark Broadaxe
Greataxe of the Ebon Blade
Source: Quest
Sharp Edge of Balance
Source: Quest
Battleaxe of the Sober Dwarf
Source: Quest
Rending Claw