- Title: the base name of the item, as you would see it in WoWhead.
- Modifier: term(s) used to distinguish between different items with the same base name. Usually denotes a faction (for PvP items) or raid/dungeon difficulty.
- Armor Class/Weapon Handedness: enter a class for armor, and a handedness for weapons. Shields are the only pieces that need neither designation.
- Expansion: usually obvious, but if it's not clear, check the right panel on WoWhead for the patch in which the item was introduced: 2.x for Burning Crusade, 3.x for Wrath, and so on.
- Source: where does the item come from? Usually a dungeon or raid, but could also be a vendor, quest, crafting, or world drop.
- Obtained From: who/what drops the item? Can be a boss, vendor, quest, specific crafting profession, or something else. If it's a quest reward, use a WoWhead link to the quest.
- Faction: only used when an item is locked to a faction. Most of these items will say "This item will be converted to X if you transfer to %faction" in WoWhead. Distinct from a faction Modifier. This will often be left blank.
- Available: only change this if an item is truly no longer obtainable in-game. Examples are Elite PvP pieces from past expansions, and class quest rewards from Vanilla.
- Main Colors: these are the colors that you think should identify a piece in a color search. As this can be extremely subjective, just try to be consistent in your method.
- Accent Colors: colors that are notable, but not enough to be considered Main Colors. Often used for trim, buttons, glow effects, and so on.
- Lookalikes: items IDENTICAL in appearance to the current item. Provide both a WoWhead link and base name (in the Link text field) to facilitate searching.
- Same Model As: items with the same base model as the current piece, but different colors. Sometimes a piece will have a slightly different model (often mythic versions of raid gear): use your best judgment for these.