Enchanted Thorium Leggings
Source: Crafting
Inkling's Leggings, Strangely Glyphed Legplates, Strangely Glyphed Legplates
Source: Crafting
Inkling's Leggings, Strangely Glyphed Legplates, Strangely Glyphed Legplates
Heavy Bronze Mace
Source: Crafting
Footman Mace, Riversong Mace, Dreaded Mace, Flanged Battle Mace, Grave Scepter, Relios's Mace
Source: Crafting
Footman Mace, Riversong Mace, Dreaded Mace, Flanged Battle Mace, Grave Scepter, Relios's Mace
Tempered Saronite Breastplate
Source: Crafting
Mightstone Breastplate, Coldrock Breastplate, Chestguard of Expressed Fury, Worgblood Berserker's Hauberk, Jormungar Breastplate, Petrified Bone Chestguard, Cultbreaker's Chestguard, Halgrind Carapace
Source: Crafting
Mightstone Breastplate, Coldrock Breastplate, Chestguard of Expressed Fury, Worgblood Berserker's Hauberk, Jormungar Breastplate, Petrified Bone Chestguard, Cultbreaker's Chestguard, Halgrind Carapace
Masterwork Spiritguard Breastplate
Source: Crafting
Breastplate of Wracking Souls, Deathspite Breastplate, Canine Commander's Breastplate, Thunder Bastion Breastplate, Durable Plate of the Golden Lotus, Bladesnap Breastplate, Canine Commander's Breastplate, Kunchong Carapace Chestguard, Greenstone Breastplate, Lightning Rod Breastplate, Doubtcrusher Breastplate, Kyparite Chestguard, Breastplate of Wracking Souls
Source: Crafting
Breastplate of Wracking Souls, Deathspite Breastplate, Canine Commander's Breastplate, Thunder Bastion Breastplate, Durable Plate of the Golden Lotus, Bladesnap Breastplate, Canine Commander's Breastplate, Kunchong Carapace Chestguard, Greenstone Breastplate, Lightning Rod Breastplate, Doubtcrusher Breastplate, Kyparite Chestguard, Breastplate of Wracking Souls
Brilliant Saronite Breastplate
Source: Crafting
Revenant Armor, Chestguard of the Frozen Ascent, Norrington's Burnished Breastplate, Magnataur Breastplate, Cobalt Chestpiece, Chestplate of the Altar
Source: Crafting
Revenant Armor, Chestguard of the Frozen Ascent, Norrington's Burnished Breastplate, Magnataur Breastplate, Cobalt Chestpiece, Chestplate of the Altar